20 March 2014

Crucial Crew

The old jokes are still the best ones.
We spoke to 530 children over four days on recycling, the importance of bees to pollination and how we can support them and the advantages of growing veg including food miles.

7 March 2014

Transition Sudbury needs your VOTE!

Transition Sudbury needs your VOTE!  As you may know it has been short-listed as one of three projects for a Greenest Community Award but the winner will be chosen from public voting
The film does not reflect all the things which Jane said, which is a pity.  However, the information at the foot of the page and the link to the the Transition blog is excellent.  As you willl see the Transition group has achieved a huge amount in a short time, making a real difference at 'grass roots' level - no apology for the pun!
We need as many people as possible to vote for Transition Sudbury as we are up against two major projects.  So please cascade the email below to all your contacts, whether that be your Church, friends, business colleagues, and ask them to vote for Transition Sudbury.  

I found the voting process not very straightforward but found that it was necessary to first watch the video, then press the pink VOTE NOW  box on the left-hand side, then scroll down to the bottom of the page on the left, check that the Transition circle has a green centre and then press vote.  You may only vote once!
So here is the link - thank you for your support! 
Watch our short film and cast your vote for Suffolk’s Greenest Community Project.